Mondo in Love

Mondo and Duplica sat under a tree, comparing their Pokemon catches.

"Two Caterpies and a Pidgey," said Mondo.

"A Weedle and a Spearow" replied Duplica.

"No wonder my seniors have so much trouble, I never realized how hard it is to catch strong Pokemon." Mondo looked guilty. "Not that I mean any disrespect to them of course."

"Well," said Duplica, "As long as we both have our Dittos we can't complain."

"That's true."

"I wonder how Jesse and James are doing, Mondo? After our little adventure I can understand why you like them so much."

"They're great, aren't they? I told them they could send a message to the Orange City Pokemon Center if they had any trouble. Unfortunately, I had to give that address to the Boss too..."

"I hope you didn't tell him you're traveling with me!"

"That's none of his business. And I don't care if he's the Boss, I would never let anyone bother you!"

"You're sweet, Mondo..." said Duplica, blushing.

Mondo took her hand. "Let's walk into Orange City and have dinner."

After dinner they went to the Pokemon center where Mondo had indeed received a message from the Boss, as well as one from Jesse and James.

"Dear Mondo," read the message from the Boss. "I imagine those incompetents you call master and senior are with you, since I hear that those brats they are always chasing are somewhere around Orange City. I haven't had a report from Jesse and James for days. Tell them to get busy."

Mondo's hands where shaking as he opened the message from Jesse and James. "What could have happened to them," he said as he began reading. Then he began to laugh.

Duplica leaned over his shoulder to read.

"Dear Mondo and Duplica, you may be surprised to hear that we are now married. We eloped two days ago and we are very happy. It was a rather sudden decision, so please leave it up to us what to tell the boss. We hope you and Duplica are fine. Love, Jesse and James."

"Look, Duplica, they even sent a picture, don't they look cute?"

"Yes, but I hope they're not going to get in trouble with your boss."

"That's a point, maybe I should write the boss back and say... but he won't trust me, he knows I would cover for them. And he always keeps track of the police reports about them."

"You could find those kids yourself," said Duplica.

"I thought they were your friends!" said Mondo, shocked.

"Well, they are, but you wouldn't have to actually do anything to them. I mean, no offense, but Jesse and James never actually succeed either."

"I know," said Mondo. "Those kids must be tough opponents. But the Boss doesn't want me to chase them down, he wants..." Mondo's eyes widened. "Oh no. No way. Even with a blue wig I couldn't pass for James."

"Oh, come on, Mondo, they won't know the difference. You look more like him than I do like Jesse, but I know I can fool them! And you have the same uniform and everything! Meowth's no problem thanks to our Dittos."

"Uh... I don't think I brought my uniform with me."

"I can make another one, I'm going to have to make one for myself anyway. Or maybe you could carry on your senior's fine tradition of cross-dressing. I have a blue dress you'd look very cute in."

"No!" yelled Mondo.

Two days later, Mondo got an extra Meowth balloon secretly shipped in by a friend at headquarters. Duplica finished preparing the costumes and wigs. "Come on, Mondo, this is going to be fun!" she insisted. "I haven't recited that motto in years!"

"If my senior finds out I impersonated him..."

"He'll be grateful! Don't be so silly!"

Finally they finished getting dressed. "You look just like James!" said Duplica happily. "Though I imagine you think I'm not quite as pretty as Jesse."

"Actually the resemblance is a bit unsettling," said Mondo, blushing. "But I prefer the real you."

Ash, Misty, and Brock were having lunch an hour later when they saw the Meowth balloon drift into the compound.

The balloon landed and they saw the figures of "Jesse", "James" and "Meowth". "To protect the world from devastation!" began "Jesse".

"Hey," said Brock. "Does Jesse look a little different to you, Ash?"

"Only you would ask such a stupid question, Brock," said Misty.

"To unite all peoples within our nation," shouted "James".

Suddenly a shadow drifted across the clearing. Another giant Meowth balloon appeared. "To protect the world from devastation," shouted a voice from the second balloon.

Mondo and Duplica froze in fear.

The second balloon landed. Jesse and James looked out. "To unite all peoples within our nation." James said. "Hey, how come we're already here?"

"That's not us, James," replied Jesse.

"It looks like us, Jesse."

Brock interrupted, "I knew the real Jesse was much taller. See?"

"That's Mondo and Duplica!" yelled Jesse.

"Duplica? When did you join Team Rocket?" yelled Ash.

"That uniform fits Duplica a lot better than it did the last time I saw her in it," said Brock.

"Shut up, Brock!" yelled Misty.

Mondo glared at Brock and put his arm around Duplica. "Stop looking at her like that!" Then he looked up at the real Jesse and James. "The boss sent me a letter, he was worried about you, my seniors. We decided to create some excitement."

"That must have been before the boss tracked us down and told us to get to work," said Jesse. "Honestly, sometimes this job just isn't worth it."

"This job is never worth it," said James.

"I know what you mean," said Duplica. "I hate these boots. And it took me forever to get this wig to look right."

"Where's the real Meowth?" asked Mondo.

"We somehow failed to bring him along on our honeymoon," muttered James.

"Aw, you got married?" said Misty, starry-eyed. "That's so sweet."

Brock and Ash glared at Misty. "Now who's being stupid!" yelled Brock.

"Oh, you're just jealous because James and this Mondo guy can get girls and you can't," snapped Misty.

Meanwhile, Jesse and James were whispering and giggling. James looked up and said, "Well, you guys seem to have the situation under control here. Bye now!" And the second Meowth balloon floated away at an amazing rate of speed.

Mondo and Duplica started laughing. Suddenly Mondo squared his shoulders and straightened his wig. "All right, Duplica, I mean Jesse, lets make this look good. Go, Weezing!" He threw a pokeball and his ditto came out in Weezing form, spraying a cloud of smoke everywhere. Ash, Misty, and Brock were caught completely by surprise but were able to run off.

"I hate to say it, but I don't think I could have really stolen their Pikachu," said Duplica.

"Me neither," said Mondo. "Anyway, it wouldn't be right to outdo my seniors. But, hey, they left their lunch!"

"Let's grab it! Brock's a good cook!"

Two days later Mondo received another two messages.

"Dear Mondo and Duplica: The boss gave us both extra vacation time for some reason, so we're taking a very long honeymoon."

"Mondo: I received police reports of a double appearance of my two least favorite Rockets. Let me make something clear: Two of them are more than enough. I do not want to know one word about this. Please make sure no one remotely resembling either one of them shows up for at least a month. The Boss"