Part 1

It's been over for us as Rockets for months. First Giovanni was busted, and ran to another country where the authorities can't chase him. Butch and Cassidy say he's been in touch with them and they'll probably join him pretty soon, but evidently he doesn't care what we do. Not that I'm surprised at that. At one point I suppose he would have hunted us down if we had left but all his secrets are out now and we were never much good to him.

Sometimes Butch and Cassidy seem to want Jesse to go with them, but I think they just want the Boss to have someone else to pick on. Jesse says she would never go back even if they wanted me to go with her, but I think the way we live now is starting to get to her.

We didn't really consider continuing our life of crime. With Giovanni underground the market for stolen Pokemon has pretty much dried up, and we were never very successful. We wanted to get legitimate jobs with Pokemon, but too many of the gym leaders and Pokemon center nurses still remember us. We're lucky not to have any outstanding arrest warrants. (Actually, it wasn't luck. I used some of the money we had left to bribe a few people. Then I wiped the computer records. But I don't like people to know I can do that.)

Meowth and I clean up in office buildings at night. People aren't so thrilled at hiring a talking Pokemon but we work cheap. Jesse's been through a bunch of jobs she can't stand. She's so proud. I've always admired that about her but it keeps her from settling for anything. She feels guilty about it though. The other day I came home and she was scrubbing the toilet, telling me I had to do enough cleaning without handling this place too. She was crying though, and I wanted to cry too.

Sometimes people ask her what we are to each other, and she always stares at them and insists that we're "just roommates". Which is true, as true as it's ever been. I gave her the bedroom, and I sleep in the living room. Meowth curls up in a corner someplace; he's less interested in acting like a human than he used to be.

But I still dream about Jesse and I being in love. Sometimes when I'm not even asleep. Sometimes I think she knows, and sometimes I even think she doesn't mind. Then I remind myself of all the times she's insulted me. And assaulted me. She hasn't done it lately, but that's only because she's too depressed. I think I'd be almost grateful to see her swing that fan again. I'd be even more grateful if she'd just talk to me, but I guess she thinks I wouldn't understand. It suits me to have people think I'm dumb, but I've always hoped Jesse could see behind that.

I can hear her getting ready for bed now, and then she walks out of the bathroom and looks at me. I pretend to be asleep. I don't want her to feel like she has to make small talk with me. Then finally, I manage to really fall asleep, hoping I won't have to block my dreams out of my mind again in the morning.

That night I sat down at one of the computers in the office I was cleaning and logged on. I'm really not a major computer hacker. The only time I tried to steal money for my bank account I wound up with a million yen overdraft and almost got caught. But the Team Rocket lab had all the info about getting into the Jenny's computers, and hacking into Professor Oak's lab was even easier. I used to do it all the time so I could follow the twerps around. But now I was just looking because I was bored.

Pretty soon I stopped being bored and yelled for Meowth. "Meowth, you have to hear this! They've discovered some new Pokemon up in the mountains."

He came in the door with a broom and sighed. "They do that all the time, James."

"No, listen, there's some kind of fighting thing that's almost all teeth. And a snake Pokemon with psychic capabilities, theta's supposed to help trainers with their other Pokemon. Professor Oak doesn't even have one yet."

"A psychic snake. Just what I always wanted to have hanging around."

"Jesse would love it! And if really helps with training, we could set up as trainers again. Train that thing with teeth, and the pokemon we've got now. Or run a breeding center. We could become gym leaders someday!"

Meowth laughed. "You're getting a little too excited here, James"

"This could get us out of this horrible state we're in. Look at us, I'm scrubbing bathrooms wearing overalls, you're admitting you're a Pokemon, and Jesse... it's killing Jesse, Meowth."

Meowth shrugged. "I don't know how you're planning on capturing these things, but if you've got some kind of scheme, I guess I'm in."

When I got home I ran to Jesse's room and knocked on the door. She came out wearing a bathrobe and looking sleepy.

"Did I wake you up?" O.K., sometimes I don't have to pretend to be dumb.

"What's going on, James?"

I started telling her about the new pokemon and my plans for them. And it's not even illegal, Jess!"

Jesse looked skeptical.

"At least we'll get a vacation," I said. "We'll be outside again, under the stars..."

"Running into the twerps, too, James. "Didn't you say they're chasing down these Pokemon too?"

"Well, maybe if we don't bother them they won't bother us."

"They bother me by existing."

"Jesse, it'll be just like the old days, except without the blasting off part. Please?"

"I'll think about it, James"

That night she came out of her bedroom in the middle of the night and woke me up. "James, I'm sorry I was so tough on you about your idea. If you really want to do this and we can scrape together the money, I'll do it. O.K.?"

Then she hugged me. All my defenses against my feelings aren't worth much when she actually acts affectionate. I didn't want her to let her go. I just sat there holding her and pretending it meant the same to her as it did to me.

Finally I did let her go, and I promised to get some supplies together right away. "No balloon though, we'll have to walk."

Jesse laughed. "I'll live."

I hadn't heard her laugh in ages. I fell asleep again, hoping that for once I could do something right.

I went out the next day for some food and clothes. Then I told Jesse I had to be gone for a couple of days to get some special items. I think she thought I was backing out but I didn't want to tell her what was really going on in case it didn't work out.

Two days later everything was ready. I showed her the food and outdoor clothes I'd picked up. I had really been tempted to wear my old uniform but I couldn't afford the cleaning bills on it anymore. She laughed at me when I got dressed. I crossed my arms until she explained herself. "It's the blue jeans with the pokeballs on the belt loops and the T-shirt," she said finally. "All you need is a hat and a Pikachu and you could be an over aged..."

"That's not funny." I interrupted. "But fine, I'll try to find something better in the closet. Meanwhile, you look nice." She did, even though she was wearing jeans and a T-shirt too. I guess I missed the sexy uniform but she still looked more like her confident self than she had a few days ago.

Finally I was ready for the surprise. I threw the pokeball, and out came a large pink pokemon. "Licky!" it yelled.

Jesse was shocked. "My Lickitung! How did you get it back?"

I told her a wild story involving a fake pokeball exchange. She didn't believe a word of it but she didn't ask any questions. I didn't want to tell her I traded the guy this ring my parents gave me. Yeah, so it's 200 years old but I wasn't being generous and I didn't want any credit for it. I can't stand my family and I don't know why I held on to the thing this long.

So finally we were ready, and we took a plane to the town nearest the mountains.